I sit in my room,
Listening to news
Of doom and gloom.
Someone said to me,
“Oh, be positive boo.”
I speak. “I am positive boo,
But reality has sunk into my brain,
That the people in the Whitehouse are insane.”
Every day billionaires threaten the poor, elderly, and sick folks.
They will take away your benefits with a pen stroke,
Signed executive order of genocide,
To take food, healthcare, all benefits to abide
Their stealing of money to fill their coffers
Of greed, criminal activities of multiple proportions of offers,
To rob the poor to give to the rich.
Isn’t that a bitch?
The world spins
Around their sins
As they threaten our allies
To the north,
To the south,
To the east,
To the west,
At their mafia style requests
To show the strong men and their bed of lies.
They cannot disguise,
These lies from the resistance of the holy terror,
Now upon our land
2025 is here,
As the billionaire’s cry.
“More, more, more
Give me your money, grandma!
Give me your money as you broke the law!
Grandma replies, “You creepy demon! Leave me be, you creeps!”
They slap her, handcuff her as they call her a bitch, and a creep.
The neighbor says, “Oh no, I thought it was them illegals,
But now I see it is whomever they hate,
even legals,
Are not safe from their tyranny,
As all are targeted, do not agree
With the tyrants of sin, and corruption
As the demons’ mouths exuberate dark black liquid,
Of a dark black color of eruption,
Of their demons spreading hate, greed, and seeds of foul-smelling oily liquid,
And dark eyes of demonic activity of the lowest realm
As they sit in their office of power of evil intention in our realms
Of what used to be smiles and ballons of laughs.
They popped our balloons with their dark liquid tongues of regurgitation of vomiting,
and they laugh,
As we all cry out, “Go away you bastards of sin!”
The antichrist appears to all,
Playing with his balls,
As he pisses on everyone
And his laugh is heard across the universe,
To disperse
His hate, anger, death, destruction, and demonic shit,
As his brown turds float across the air,
The globe,
The universe.
Where is our hero to send these demons back to hell?
Where are the people scared of the demonic entity?
What are they doing but obeying the Anti-Christ?
I put a spell on the demons,
Of crappies, and send their darkness back to hell,
From whence they came,
To make them lame,
Sick, and destroy every demon who threatens,
Freedom of the masses of humanity.
If it is all the same,
They have no souls.
They have deep sunken dark black eyes,
And fire radiating from their bodies of dark clouds,
Of mass destruction!
Where is the hero to knock these nazis out?
They cower to the demon,
As the other half of us scream
Go away! Go back to hell!
It would seem,
That they would leave
But the more we scream,
The more they create darkness that beams,
From their evil mentalities.
So, where is the hero,
To knock all these nazis across the globe?
Where is the hero,
To destroy these nazis?
Or will all the people cower
To the nazis of demonic powers,
As they destruct,
Steal money from the poor?
Rise up good peeps!
We are so woke.
We spoke,
Of destruction of the demonic entities,
And the death of the antichrist.
Where is our hero,
To take out the nazis,
To take out the crooks,
The white face demons,
Of the utmost demonic activity?
Where is our hero,
To take out the Nazis,
One by one
Or all at one time?
As our hero travels through time and space
Of a multitude of armies
To destroy the evil demons of sins of inequity
And Greed,
And even their children throw darkness and seeds,
Of crude dark black oily substance.
Where is our hero to destroy the nazis?
Where are you, our heroes,
Flying through time and space?
Mother Mary, full of grace
Stop the Nazis, now!
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