Once upon a time
There was a tiny castle built of sand
In the land of Sublime.
The little dictator yelling obscenities at his woman
The little, tiny man is ugly
With dark black eyes
That tells of his crimes
His women yell
Break your spell
The tiny dictator cast spells on all his peeps
To worship him and his elites
Through manipulation and conspiracy theories
The tiny dictator and his entourage of thieves and liars
That puts spells on the elite and the town crier
That spread the truth about powers
That be
Only to hang in the town square
Warning to all, beware
All who disagree with the tiny dictator king
Will be stoned to death, or hung out to dry
As he murdered the town crier
As he hung from the bowers
As he hung the town crier
The people begin to rise up against the tiny dictator king
Mobs of people filled the streets
With all kinds of peeps
The king walks out carrying his bible
As he threatens them with violence
Of pure hatred spewing the wrath of violence
Opulent perpetual stoning of peeps,
To be arrested and murdered by him
At the hands of his minions
The king falls off the stage
As he is high on drugs
So, he will fade
Into the shadows of space and time
In the town of Sublime
The mob crushes him
By kicking him,
Throwing stones at him
As he lay in front of the stage
Where millions of people were stoning him
From the stage
As he lay there barely breathing
The lady in blue threw a stone that crushed his head
The king lay on the ground
The town of Sublime rejoiced at their victory
As they marched in the streets celebrating
Their bravery
To knock out the evil king
The light shone from the sun beaming joy
Across the land
So bright and light
The king is burned at the stake
As all people are now wide awake
As sunbeams
Radiate warmth and love
Across the land of Sublime
In their ideology of space and time
No more kings
No more dictators in the town of Sublime
The election of a new mayor was held
For all to vote in the carousel
In the middle of the town square
Of joy and peace as they broke the spell
The evil king had cast upon their town
As they surround the carousel
All is well.
The election was fair and square
As they crowned the new mayor of sublime
The mayor smiled as she greeted her people
Telling them how precious they are as they
Decimate the evil church steeple across from the carousel
The stench smell
Of dark slimy oily substance from the depths of hell
It is sent back to hell
From whence it came
The new Mayor, Ms. Mirabella Perez
Speaks to her people thanking everyone for the votes
As she quotes,
“All is well,
Come sit a spell
To hear the band play,”
Mirabela saved the day
As she walks & talks to all of us peeps
Who are no longer surrounded by creeps
Bullying them
So, it would seem
They crown Mirabella as Queen
For the day
And their new mayor for always
There was dancing in the streets
Meet and greet
Of all the elite
On the streets
Are the poor, the needy, the sweet
Of the sweet
As chocolate kisses are given away
To all
As they dance in the streets
Laughing all the way
Ms. Mirabella Perez sighs,
“Oh, you all,
I love all of you, boo!”
Once upon a time
There was a tiny castle built of sand
In the land of Sublime.
The little dictator yelling obscenities at his woman
The little, tiny man is ugly
With dark black eyes
That tells of his crimes
His women yell
Break your spell
Ms. Mirabella Perez sighs,
“Oh, you all,
I love all of you, boo!”
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